Friday, December 30, 2011

day 204: garden storage for the boy's bedroom and a lego minifig storage update!

today's storage solution from pinterest, the bhg idea
for garden planters as storage!

if you are new or a treasured follower to my blog, WELCOME and THANKS for stopping by.  one of my creations is getting a lot of traffic at the moment and thats the lego minifig storage frames from day seventy ... if you haven't seen them you can see how to make them here.  they were such a favourite with my niece and nephew i made some for my own peeps when we returned to singapore.  below are a couple of photo's of ben's as today's pinterest creation is hanging right next to it as you can see above!

day 204 and i am in FULL post-christmas, pre-new year sorting mode (and my husband thought he was on holiday ... ha!).  i am firstly tackling the peeps bedrooms because after christmas it became obvious they needed some serious cleaning.  i had pinned these garden flower planters to my kids bedrooms board on pinterest ages ago and really wanted to give it a go.  the idea comes from bhg! i went round and round in circles trying to find the original source but couldn't but am pretty sure they are the guys behind it!

in ben's room i needed to add some additional storage solutions, the planter idea seemed perfect because it would provide off the floor storage in a place i couldn't put any drawer or bookcases because of the door.  i found the planters at nz's big red sheds for $13 each ... brilliant as this wasn't a pricey option either.

the planters ready to hang

the hung planter ready to fill

the first one is filled with caps that no longer live on
the FLOOR ;)

the second one is stuffed with toys :)

a closer look

ben's lego minifigs that are removable
thanks to the white bricks that are
adhered to the frame glass

outcome:  cool, they work well with the colour scheme in his room and are perfect for the larger things that lived on the floor or his bed.  so easy to hang and they work so well i am going to find some cream ones (or spray some black ones) for her room.

my thanks to bhg for this awesome, cost effective storage idea that brings thinking outside the square to a whole new level ... and that saying bringing the outside in, never rang so true ;)

in other news i have a BIG, HUGE give away for the first week of the new year from my memories
and a newly designed blog to bring in the new year :)  see you tomorrow for the last day of 2011!


  1. those mini figures look awesome! and so practical. I like to use the garden storage for outside toys too

  2. Can anyone direct me to where I can go to order these? I think the nz's big red sheds isn't for U.S. BHG has them but very expensive.

