Saturday, December 31, 2011

day 205: happy new years eve, the perfect night for a midnight treat :)

happy new year goodies :)
day 205 and i am so looking forward to the new year ... but am also happy to celebrate a wonderful year and reflect today on all the goings on for 2011.  we have had a great year with highs and lows and all the in betweens  that count just as much if not more.

we have a lot going on today so i wanted something easy but new years related to do today.  these midnight treats from angela at secrets of a super mommy fit the bill perfectly :)  they are pinned to my holiday goodness board at pinterest.

i used some piping bags and filled them with sweet treats including a hot chocolate mix.  as i am typing, i just thought this would have been the perfect place to use the cocoa spoons i made on day 197 next time :)  the ones i made for adults had a coffee mix and a mini baileys in them instead of the cocoa items ;)  then i made a VERY simple tag using word, printed them out and attached them to my cones of goodies.

the kids version goodies :)

the adult version :)

the finished midnight snacks for adults and peeps :)
outcome: we shall wait and see at midnight, but judging by this little face she looks pretty pleased!  a really special little gift to welcome in the new year and would be fantastic to gift to people if you were having a new years party for ALL ages :)

one of the happy recipients

my thanks to angela at secrets of a super mommy for this inspirational idea for new years, i definitely think this will become a tradition in our house :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year I write this you have already set sail into 2012 !!!
    These sweet treats are genius and I definitely like the look of the adult version :)
    Jenny x
