Monday, January 2, 2012

day 207: 52 weeks to an organised home

this is where taking a "before" picture would have been helpful, sorry for today there
is only an "after" photo!

 day 207 and today i wanted to put organisation into plan for the year ... i think it's probably a great time to start anything new and hope that some things will continue, while others will give way to the daily chaos.  i always find the things i start fall into two categories ... totally awesome and easy to continue or will work but requires too much work to make it happen consistently.  i am hoping today's creation will fall into the first group as it's 52 weeks to organise your home.

i follow lots of people on pinterest because so many people have cool ideas for pins!  most people that i follow appear to have pinned this 52 weeks for an organised home as i have seen it floating around SO often i had to take the hint today and sign up :)  the challenge is pinned to my ideas for organisation board and comes from home storage solutions.  i love their motto "a place for everything that matters".  so true and words to live by ... well for when i'm organised in a years time anyway~!

the first week is all about organising your kitchen bench tops and sink.  the idea here is that you declutter everything that isn't in use daily, thus, making plenty of space for the common kitchen use, ie: cooking.  i started today with this job and got so motivated i finished it as well.

i even cleaned the top of the fridge off :)

i even scrubbed the sink till it shined!
outcome:  week one was a breeze, i can see further down the track that this will need to be continued to have total success but bite size portions of organisation are a much better approach for me.  it is definitely working with the emergency kit from day 98, which continues to get its weekly item :)  i love that it didn't feel overwhelming to start this organisation drive.  being a new year, it felt right to start this challenge now ... wish me luck for the next 51 weeks!  i will try and update and let you know how things are going each week to help motivate me (and anyone else who has signed up!).

my thanks to home storage solutions for this great series and the fact you will also email me each week to let me know where my organisation is heading next.  the handy tips are fantastic and i love that you explain "why" to totally reinforce the changes i am making :)

don't forget this week's give away ($80 worth) of my memories digital software to one lucky reader just for commenting this week ... and let me know which kits you like so i can download them and show you the results ... i have some awesome ideas for later this week ... i'm thinking it might be time to start some valentines day goodies :)


  1. The kitchen looks fab! Love the little house for the eggs and that fantastic picture on the wall! Finally got my invite for Pinterest and this organisation thing may just be the first thing I pin!

  2. Oooh, I want a cute egg hutch like yours!!

  3. Wow where did you put everything then??
    Love this idea and bite size chunks are definitely more attainable :)
    Jenny x
