Wednesday, January 11, 2012

day 216: peanut butter and jelly with strawberries, banana, and granola flat breads

the finished wraps ... yummo!

day 216 and the family and i are off to the tennis again today.  it's the week of the men's event and the other half of my christmas present ... we have had rain all summer and the weather outside is looking

the tickets i was given by my sweet are for the day and night session, so it's a LONG day for the peeps.  luckily they enjoy tennis (when it's not raining) and when they are bored of that, they also love reading and when they are bored of that, they also love eating.  eating is a fundamental when you go out for the day and take peeps.  i saw these delicious looking flat breads i had pinned a while back on my recipe must do's board and thought they looked like ideal tennis food :)

i absolutely loved visiting the website flatout flat breads where this recipe originated.  my family love flat breads of all types and i found some really cool ideas for using flat breads i hadn't seen before.  the western flatout omelette looks so yummy i pinned it to my board on pinterest as well!  i will definitely be heading back there for some tasty recipes ... but now on with today's!

you need peanut butter, jam/jelly, strawberries, bananas, granola/oats, and some flat breads to wrap it all up in.

the ingredients

firstly spread the flatbread with peanut butter all over .....

then spread half the flatbread with strawberry jam ....

add sliced strawberries and banana .....

sprinkle on some oats .....

full of goodness and very filling!

outcome:  well i HAD to take a slice off the end of one before i wrapped them up to take to the tennis!  it was really yummy, nice and hearty and had that sweet and salty taste i love together (think peanut butter cups but with strawberry not chocolate).  this is definitely something i will make the peeps before their sports and such things because the small piece i had was so filling but tasted really good :)

my thanks to my new favourite flatbread website for recipes, flatout flat breads for this great afternoon tea snack ... great for active people for sure :)

1 comment:

  1. Definitely going to try this one. It will be perfect to take along to work! Just wish the fruits here looked half as fresh and yummy as yours...
