Thursday, January 12, 2012

day 217: composer art for the classroom wall

the finished bulletin board with our first composer of the year attached!

day 217 and i am going through all the finishing little bits for our home learning room.  i wanted to put something up to remind the peeps who/what we are currently learning about in different focus areas.  i have decided to carry on our learning about different composers, inventors, and artists and wanted a bulletin board type of thing to put up a picture and highlights of the person we are currently studying.

this piece of canvas art i picked up last year for $8 no longer has a home and i figured it might make the perfect base for my composers bulletin board.  i got out my stash of sticky back felt letters and began to play!

i then went on pinterest and searched for some of my favourite composers to start off this year.  several were then pinned to my home school projects board ready for when we begin our studies of them.  i decided we would begin with mozart (the peeps current favourite), i want to get in their good books at the beginning of the year with at least one subject!  they find mozart's music more mellow than some of his contemporaries ... i adore beethoven, i'm not sure if its because i feel so sad for the life that he lived or whether the emotion of his more powerful music makes me feel more involved.  the peeps find beethoven's music too overbearing, poor man his music was so often misunderstood :)

ANYWAY, back on track with today's pinterest creation.  i created the board and then used the links from pinterest to find some cool pictures and bio's of composers, which i then printed and laminated ready to attach to the new bulletin board.

what was used for this project

i went with a combination of colours so they would stand out on all the parts of the background

finished! love how well it turned out, the composer is just attached with blue tac :)

outcome: REALLY cool!  i now need to find some cheap canvas art that will work for inventors and artists :)  it looks sweet on the wall and will hopefully engage and be a constant reminder of who we are currently concentrating our learning on .,. well that's the hope anyway.  and if that doesn't work, at least we have some pretty nice looking art on the wall that's multifunctional! 

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