Friday, January 13, 2012

day 218: p365 creations take to the road so pinterest came through with some car games!

we are ready to hit the road!
day 218 and we are off to hatepe (just south of taupo) today to stay with family for the weekend, so pinterest creations 365 will also hit the road and be done while we are down there :)  unfortunately the ability to post from there might be a little hard as the cell coverage is terrible!  we shall see, my banana s'mores and peanut butter m&m cookies for making saturday and sunday may have to be posted when we return on sunday ....  on the plus side at least i have printed the recipes so i can continue with my making and baking while we are away!

as we are taking to the raod, the peeps need some entertainment for the 4 hour car ride so the trusty travel packs i made on day 54 for air travel will also be used to store all their goodies in for car travel!  REALLY love these travel packs i made as they have proved so useful over and over again for travel and storing everything in one tidy place.

 i wanted some new printables to put in their packs so for today's creation i searched pinterest for travel games and found these awesome car games from the whimsical fig.  they are pinned to my whimsy board on pinterest.  such a gorgeous blog and the games are ideal for the car.  i printed them out at A5 size so they fitted perfectly into the packs ....

the new printables

travel packs with their new printables
outcome:  peeps are super excited to see new printables (the old ones also from a pinterest search have been well used!) in their packs and as for whether they entertain, we shall have to see after the 4 hour car ride ... wish me luck!

my sincere thanks to the whimsical fig for providing some very cool printables for car travel.  love that they are the old fashioned games that never go out of favour!


  1. Fabulous idea! Those little packs are so cute and clearly are going to be used over and over. Hope you guys have a safe drive and a wonderful weekend!

  2. Just what you need to keep them happy on the journey.... I remember playing games like these when I was a kid ( remember the days when paper and pen ruled). We still like to play word games now :)
    Have a great trip and be safe :)
    Jenny x
