Saturday, January 21, 2012

day 226: home made pita's

yes, a home made pita, and yes i do love pepper :)

day 226 and we are making home made pita's for lunch today!  family project, we all love pita's and steve saw these amazing pita's i had pinned on pinterest from and declared last night we would be making these tomorrow ... fair enough, given he volunteered to help AND make sure all the ingredients were sourced and ready.  the recipe is from under the high chair and everyone who pinned it has said it looks like a really easy recipe, i have to agree ... but the proof will be in the baking!

we went about making the dough and then my sweet husband kneaded the dough for 8 mins ... he got all the hard jobs!  you then leave them to rise for a while (we left ours 20 minutes) but they didn't rise too much.  i love that she adds to make them all different sizes for the different needs.  this is such a great idea as steve made his much larger than the ones designed for the peeps :)

the bits you need

the kneading husband ;)

divided and ready to roll

the puffed up pita's in the oven!

happiness is a rack full of hot pita's

then it was filled and ready to eat!

outcome:  oh my gosh i cannot state enough just how good these were.  we had them hot from the oven and filled them with roasted chicken and salad bits ... so delicious and they were loved by everyone.  only one thing to mention was we forgot to flip them in the oven as we were so excited watching them puff up.  that meant we had a more crisp side and a more bready side.  i am guessing this is why you flip them, so don't forget this step when you make them at home as i am sure this will even out both sides to be the same texture.  i didn't even notice, but my decided straight-laced, needs perfection husband picked up on it ;)

my thanks goes to aimee from under the high chair, the recipe really is easy (especially if you have a loved one to do the kneading for you!) and doesn't take much time at all to make ...  i have been spoilt by these pita's and won't be able to have store-bought again!


  1. YUM! they look very tasty. Will be making these.

  2. Oh my, they look even more tasty and roomy than the shop bought type!! More space for yummy filling :)
    Jenny x

  3. Too bad I didn't find this before Luis stuck a frozen pizza in the oven!! Another day I guess...

  4. Oh my! I must try it! I love pita and it looks so easy!
