Sunday, January 22, 2012

day 227: banana cake with peanut butter frosting

banana cake with peanut butter frosting

before i start with day 227's creation i have to apologise to jenny for the combination of flavours ... she always leaves such lovely comments but i am guessing she won't be today as i am putting peanut butter with banana's, not her favourite mix!  after making the peanut butter and banana smoothie that we all enjoyed the other day, i was excited to find some more recipes that involved these two ingredients.

when searching on pinterest, i found this banana cake with nutella frosting ... nutella is something we haven't really got into in this house so i figured i would make the same cake and frosting but substitute the nutella with peanut butter :)  the recipe comes from toasty biscuit and is pinned to my recipe must do's board.  linda describes this cake as indescribably good and foolproof, just the cake needed for a spot of sunday crafting before a birthday party!

apart from the peanut butter substituting the nutella, the cake was made according to directions ... you will need to lift out the heavy machinery for this cake.  while it is foolproof it isn't made in five minutes, but that's ok as today there was time.

what's in this creation :)

the finished batter, ready for the oven .,. almost :)

while the cake was in the oven, the frosting was whipped up :)

the baked cake ready for its peanut butter frosting

this is a good looking banana cake!

outcome:  the cake is delicious, really good flavour and super moist ... i like that!  the peanut butter frosting on top was yum and a really nice change from the other frostings we have had recently had.  sorry  jenny but this combo of flavours is totally working for me!

today's thanks goes to linda at the toasty biscuit, this cake was yummy (even the land agent for the open home had some and left a note to say so!), the directions were really easy to follow and it was well worth the effort.


  1. Jenny, my dear, you are missing out on a heavenly flavour combo!! :)
    Kirsty, I am going to be well over 200lbs by the time your 365 days are up!

  2. Oh dear, perhaps I need some taste bud education then!!! I have to say it does look rather appetising so I may just give it a go :)
    Jenny x

  3. I love this blog! I might have to try this!
