Wednesday, January 25, 2012

day 230: hot chocolate mix

i have been getting a heap of emails recently (thank you so much i absolutely LOVE getting them) and i want to respond to you all with measurements, know-how, and detailed instructions in some cases!  i promise i will reply to you all next week!  unfortunately i have torn my hamstring and the pain is making me really tired ... my doctor told today it was a good thing we were going away for the weekend so i would stop trying to move around so much and just relax ... i'm an active relaxer, what can i say.  so to those people still waiting i am so sorry, i will get to you very soon  :)

day 230 and i reckon camping and hot chocolates are synonymous :)  we are off camping this weekend as our last major getaway for this summer.  we are going to the tippety top of the coromandel with amazing friends who are good at camping and have all the things that you need ... we don't but we try~!  we always come home with the best camping stories, mostly because we camp sporadically and generally go with a "she'll be right" attitude that fails to live up to its promise somewhere along the way!  sometimes i look back at our camping adventures and wonder why our two peeps still trust us :)

anyway, i wanted to make sure we pitched in with the things we could provide, mostly food options~!  this hot chocolate mix, i figured would be the perfect start.  it is on the camping cafe website and they have some awesome looking recipes for campers, so of which i will be trying during our trip away for pinterest.  the recipe, along with a whole host of other ones, is pinned to my summer loving board.

this hot chocolate mix will save buying the ready made sachets, and i figured as the nights cool down, this would be a perfect drink for peeps and adults alike to warm up with.  the camping cafe then has suggestions on how to make this mix into the worlds best hot cocoa ... which we will definitely also be using while away.

notice the choc bits bag has already been opened.....and some are missing......Steve?

you simply mix powdered sugar, salt, cocoa, powdered milk, and milk chocolate drops together.  then when you want to use the mix you add 3 heaped tablespoons to the mug with hot water ... sounds GOOD!

outcome: well it was completely easy to make, seriously grab a big plastic container and add ingredients according to instructions.  put the lid on and shake ... really, really hard to see anyone finding this difficult!  the mix smells amazing and i think this would fantastic gifts just by putting it in a cute jar, adding a label with the instructions and some marshmallows ... great idea for gifting during the winter, don't you think?


  1. Mmm, I always love hot cocoa. No matter what time of year!

  2. Dude! How on earth did you tear your hamstring?? Try and take it easy on your trip okay? (Yeah right) Pretend you're a princess and just sit back and give orders. :) And enjoy the hot cocoa!

  3. Ouch that does sound painful! I can't imagine camping as a way to rest it up!!! I never even considered how easy homemade hot choc could be. I bet camping there is nothing like the miserable time it can be here!!
    Thanks for your offer for Hannah by the way...she's seriously considering it, needs to see if a trip will fit in with uni plans though first.
    Jenny x

  4. hi i so would love to make this as we go through so much hot chocolate as its my families drink at night but how much ingredients of sugar, salt, cocoa, powdered milk, and milk chocolate drops? please
