Thursday, January 26, 2012

day 231: kids camping kits

let's go camping

day 231 and tomorrow we are off bright (well some of us) and early camping in a very remote part of new zealand ... yes our country is remote and yes, there are even remoter places here with no shops, telecommunications, power, or roads ... sounds like an adventure is brewing, especially when you take a torn hamstring with you!  exercise can be dangerous ;)  as i mentioned yesterday, we are going with some awesome friends who have a daughter pollyanna's age.

normally i would refit the peeps travel kits for the long trip, but i didn't want to leave her out so i decided some camping kits were in order.  i found these treat bags on pinterest and figured i could go along with this inspiration ... aren't they gorgeous for a camping party.  they were uploaded by pinner lisa cressey and i think they are the perfect take home give for a camping party.  clearly, i needed to go a little bigger but i did use her s'mores idea and packed chocolate thins and marshmallows for everyone as well!

as for the actual peeps camping kits, i purchased some book bags and filled them with all sorts of goodies including books, a dvd (for the trip in the car), marshmallows, pens, notebooks, lollies, chips, games, puzzle book, and a few other bits and bobs.  i put in enough things so if it rains they have some edible goodies and games to play.

the goodies for inside the bags

the goodies inside as i fill, fill, fill ... i'd love the adult version of this :)

the finished camping bags ready to gift :)
outcome: pending, but the looks on their faces was totally worth the money and effort ... should become my catch cry!  if the packs work as well as the travel kits, we will have nothing to worry about and the journey should be a whine free one ;)

my thanks to pinner lisa cressey for providing such great inspiration for today's creation.  see you all first thing in the morning for an early creation before we leave to go camping, have a great day :)


  1. Geez that's so much! Wish I went camping with you as a kid!

  2. ooo I wish I could come with you... I'm only a kid too!
    have a great time :)
    Jenny x
