Friday, January 27, 2012

day 232: i love you because ....

my first try out of my latest creation!
day 232 and today's creation is something i think everybody should have in their house if their are multiple of you.  the peeps and my awesome husband have been doing so much for me this past week and i have been too grumpy with myself for getting this injury to thank them for it.  i am hoping if today's little creation was sitting on the side table i might be reminded to be more vocal or even write how grateful i am for the things my family does for me and for others in the family.

the inspiration comes from  and is pinned to my kids bedrooms board on pinterest.  i originally thought i would put one in each of the peeps bedrooms but decided this is something the whole family could take part in.  as such, the one i am making today is going to sit in the kitchen.

i simple typeset the words in my memories and then printed it out on already patterned paper.  popped it into a frame and then i couldn't help but try it out :)

what you need :)

the typesetting ;)

the finished creation ... simple but totally awesome

outcome:  for me this is genius because it's sitting their reminding me (and my family) to thank them for the things they do ... hopefully it will brush off on everybody and we will all feel recognised for keeping the cogs of this house turning.

i have seen lots of these on pinterest and wish i could find the original creative person to thank for the inspiration.  whoever you are, thank you, it's something simple like this that could make someone's day, and i love that :)

see you all in a couple of days, the creating will continue on the road camping, but the posting will have to wait until we return as their is no telecommunications coverage where we are heading! have a great weekend everyone, and if you are from auckland .... enjoy the long weekend :)


  1. Awww bless! Such a sweet idea! Hope you guys have an awesome camping trip!

  2. So cute! This blog is one of my absolute favorites!

  3. Such a sweet idea... every home should have one :)
    Jenny x
