Tuesday, February 7, 2012

day 243: a fishy valentines gift

the finished "fishy" valentines treats for the peeps
day 243 and we have had our first day back at school today, tomorrow i will show you pictures of the classroom for those who are interested (it will be in a separate post for those who don't so you can pass it by!).  that meant i was a little tired after our first day back so i went for an easy creation this afternoon, a valentines treat for the peeps from me on valentines day.

i love this idea from sara at bateman buzz, love how simple this idea is but totally cute :)  the idea is pinned to my newly created st valentines love board on pinterest.  we don't have swedish fish candy but we do have chocolate fish in new zealand ... in fact, we specialise in them!

speaking of which i have a give away of new zealand goodies starting monday, so stay tuned if you would like a slice of new zealand to turn up at your door :) 

i used my memories (fast becoming my favourite publishing software) to make the tags that are attached to these little valentines gifts.  i used the my memories seaside whimsy kit, so cute and perfect for some fishy valentines!

these are the little tags i created for the chocky fish

ready to assemble ... 

the finished valentine's gift .. quick, easy, and really inexpensive ... we like that kind of crafting!
outcome: pending ... but i would be stoked if someone near and dear to me gave me a chocky fish for valentines ... are you taking the hint nearest and dearest!  i am guessing these will be a hit as neither will be expecting anything on valentine's day as it is a new holiday to new zealand where gift giving generally only happens between adults and teens!

thanks to sara at bateman buzz for giving me a really cute valentine to make on a day when tiredness has overcome me and i was looking for something super quick and simple to make ... today's creation definitely fitted all those criteria!

as for the 17 day diet, still going strong after eight days i have lost 4.6kgs ... not bad as we reach the halfway point :)  my favourite part of the diet is the yoghurt and jam at night!


  1. Cuteness! Hope you get one on Valentine's Day too! ;)

  2. Too cute! I'm hearing so many good things about My Memories! I might just have to drop the money and go for it!

  3. A fun, quick and easy gift Kirsty, love the little rhyming sentiment :0)
    Like Jen said, hope you receive one too :0)
    Jenny x
