Wednesday, February 8, 2012

day 244: bear hugs for valentines

day 244 and for those who don't do too much for valentines, i apologise for the next week of valentines inspired creations.  i figured as valentines was so close i should get busy and make some effort to spread the word of st valentine ;)

we are going for an quick and easy valentines gift today as i wean myself back into crafting with schooling!  today i am making polly some valentines for her to gift to her mates ... she's seven so this idea using bear cookies is perfect for her age group.  the idea comes from family fun and is pinned to my st valentines love board on pinterest.

for this project you need some cellophane bags, some teddy bear cookies, ribbon, and some card for tags.  i made up some cute tags for polly that she could then write on to personalise them for her friends.  we then worked together to put the bears in the bags and i tied the ribbon while she wrote on the tags.

outcome:  my favourite part of this creation was spending time with my daughter working on gifts for her friends. she loved the idea of giving her friends something on valentines day and i loved helping her make them :)  definitely do this with your little girls, they will love you for it, it gives them a nice sense of doing something for someone else, and it's not hard so it makes it fun :)

my thanks to family fun for posting this idea, it definitely was fun spending time with my littlest peep making today's creation.

now for the boy child tomorrow ... wonder how that will go, wish me luck and stay tuned for tomorrow's creation, where i attempt to get him in the spirit of 'love' ... do we think i might be pushing @#%&@$% up hill ;)

new zealand give away starts monday :)


  1. Love the little flower image on the tags and Polly's nail polisy rocks!

  2. So cute! I always think that homemade Valentines work out better! The kids just have more fun that way!
