Friday, February 17, 2012

day 253: truly, madly, deeply.

i am truly, madly, deeply ... and now i know it all started in 1997 :)
day 253 and i am catching up on a creation i planned to do before valentine's day but never got to it!  does anyone else have issues remembering when they were married?  my husband and i are both born on the 6th of months, so when we got engaged we decided to get married on the first saturday that was on the 6th so we would both remember ... it turned out that saturday was in september.  do you think either of us remember it?  i have clean forgotten (and i mean completely) at least twice, we have both forgotten MANY more times and neither of us know how long we have been married.  we both do things for valentine's for each other but that's because the worlds advertising is there to remind us of that date!

we had some very dear friends over last weekend and they have been engaged for over 20 years (so cute), one of them asked how long steve and i had been married ... neither of us knew, talk about embarrassing and we couldn't work it out because neither of us knew the year we were married :(  it's not that we take our marriage for granted, quite the opposite.

i decided it was time to put a permanent reminder in our bedroom so we would at least know the year we were married. i loved this pillow that was posted on french-knots tumblr page from etsy.  it is also pinned to my master bedrooms page on pinterest.   i actually wanted to buy it for steve for valentine's but i couldn't find the original maker or the actual pillow.  i then decided to make it for him as a gift for the 14th but that too went by the wayside ... so today's the day it is finally going to be created!  i am truly, madly, deeply .. with my sweet and after some research i can also tell you we have been since 1997 :)

once you have done your research, for this creation you need to make or purchase a pillow and you also need a sharpie.  then you simply use your handwriting (this part scared me senseless) to add the words to the pillow.

pillow inner, cover slip, and a sharpie required for today's creation.

i inserted some card into the cushion cover so the sharpie wouldn't leak through to the other side of the cover.

finished, and happily at home on my bed as a constant reminder of how lucky we are :)

outcome:  i love that this pillow has now made a home on my bed, i will always know i was married in 1997 .. i hope!  i wish i had beautiful handwriting ...  but this pillow means more to me that just the handwriting and for that reason i love it, imperfections and all.  and as for my sweet, he arrived home to say "well, that's a good idea" ... couldn't have said it better myself!

my sincere thanks to the very creative person that made this pillow and sells them on etsy (if for some reason you find yourself on my blog, please send me your details as i would still love to buy one for me and one for my sister's bed with her anniversary!).


  1. Oh how cute!! I'll have to save this link for when I'm married!!

  2. Awwww bless! :) I actually asked Luis last week what day we got married. It was May 6th so clearly 6 is a good number!
