Saturday, February 18, 2012

day 254: the BEST pizza sauce

it was a pinterest day for the pizza ... and the results were outstanding
day 254 and it was a stunning day here ... it seems summer might have finally arrived just before it leaves for autumn :)  most saturday's we heat up the pizza oven and have home made pizza's.  we have had the pizza oven (built by my sweet husband) for a couple of years now and have never made our own pizza bases or sauce :( shocking really, so today was the day we did both thanks to pinterest.

i love home made pizza's and we have tried all sorts of store bought bases to find the best ones.  steve wanted to see if the pita recipe we made on day 226 would work for pizza bases if we rolled it really flat.  since making those pita's that day we have made them twice a week, every week ... they are that good, perfect for lunches and easy to make.  let me tell you, they also make the best, YES, the BEST pizza bases.  these were hands down the best bases we have ever tried in the pizza oven!

ready for the pizza oven with the best pizza base we have ever used

as for today's creation, it involved making a sauce to go with our home made bases.  we went with a new york style sauce as we wanted something that was similar to a marinara sauce.  this one from the pizza lab at serious eats looked ideal so i pinned it to my recipe must do's board on pinterest.  i followed the recipe according to the instructions without changing or adapting anything.

the ingredients for the world's best tomato sauce recipe
reducing down the sauce and adding in the basil

the finished pizza sauce
my mum making her pizza :)
and in it went to cook ...
and out came the most delicious, unheavy, fresh tasting pizzas
outcome:  this is a serious pizza lover's sauce ... it was outstanding.  the hardest part was waiting for it to reduce so we could add it to the pizza bases ... the reason it was so hard waiting was the smell, it filled the house with the most amazing smell that just made you salivate!  it was the absolute bomb on the pizza.  even the peeps thought these were the best pizzas they had ever eaten ... high praise, very high praise indeed.

an enormous thanks to the pizza lab at serious eats, this tomato sauce will be made over and over again, and not just for pizzas ... it really is that good and i really did need to gush THAT much!


  1. Okay, the sauce looks delish, but I can I just say how jealous I am of that oven?? Amazing!

  2. Seriously jealous about the pizza have to get one of those!! The pizza looks great...and can only imagine how good it smells too!
    Must say I'm so impressed that you manage to try something new everyday and have time to blog about it too - great effort!

  3. Now that's the way to bake a pizza!

    Definitely need to try the sauce.

  4. Can hubby come and build a pizza oven for us? That's so cool and that pizza looks really amazing...

  5. yes the pizza oven is the absolute best thing we have ever put in, it's awesome ... steve said luis and you are welcome to come over and he can show you through the process ... or if we win lotto we will be over in a flash!:)

    thanks hey mickey, i have honestly loved doing it and the blog friends i have made have totally made it a great experience.

  6. I can see how a flattened pitta bread would make a great pizza base.... Great idea Steve :0)
    Yummy looking pizza, we must try our own homemade one too.
    Jenny x
