Wednesday, February 22, 2012

day 258: bi-fold wallet

hey presto ... one hour later and you have a cool, unique wallet :)

day 258 and i am making myself a wallet today as the one i purchased while on holiday is sadly falling apart :(  today's bi-fold wallet tutorial comes from modest maven and is pinned to my sewing diy board on pinterest.

i love creations like today's as they give me a chance to use some really pretty fabric's on something small and very handy.  i chose my fabrics, and used my handy dandy present from santa (a rotary cutter) to cut out all the pieces of fabric, then began sewing and within an hour i was done!

the pieces for today's creation and my rotary cutter (i'm quite proud i own such a serious craft tool!)

the card pockets ready to go
ready for the finishing touches and turning the lining in.
the finished wallet, in action!
outcome: cute, no coin compartment but this is perfect for all my cards.  one day i will learn to sew a zipper into something and solve that small problem.  in the meantime i have a really cool wallet that uses very cute fabric and was not too hard to sew together.  the tutorial was really easy to follow with plenty of pictures so you can't go wrong :)

my thanks to modest maven for the awesome tutorial that has solve my wallet issue without costing me a cent :)  love that, and that it was so easy to put together.

i have heard from both hey mickey (hi michelle) and from jen so their give away boxes will be packaged up tomorrow for everyone to have a REAL peek inside :)  the next give away will be around st patrick's day and i am thinking we will go green :)


  1. So cute! I'm always so jealous of your projects! I don't even know if this is something I could do!

  2. Oh don't we all need one of fact I could do with two!! So many pieces of plastic nowadays to bribe you to stay with one shop/cafe etc.
    Love the materials you used :0)
    Jenny x

  3. Now that is a cool little project! Love the fun patterns and I like how light it looks. :) And yes, you are a crafting bad ass with that rotary cutter!!
