Thursday, February 23, 2012

day 259: rugby decor

the rugby season is about to start ...
day 259 and i am VERY excited  because tomorrow the rugby season kicks off and i can't wait.  i decided this year we would have some rugby decor about the house, starting with today's creation a rugby ball wreath?!??  not exactly sure what you would call it but i plan to use it like a wreath and show my support for our local super rugby team the blues.

this idea is pinned to my autumn comfort board and comes from amanda at my heart's desire.  i love how she and her friends got together and made diy decor to support the teams they follow in football, so cool!

we support the blues super rugby team as i mentioned and they are a team made up of the upper north island's best players.  as such, my rugby ball had to have a blue's flavour to it and instead of the burlap the girls used to make their's from, i have chosen to do mine in felt.  in between the two layers of felt i have used some quilt batting to make it a little more robust and bulky.

what you need for a rugby wreath thingee!

the batting that gives it a bit more substance
going through the process
done, another creation bites the dust!
a closer look!
outcome:  this is so cute, such a great idea for a bit of sporting décor in the house!  i love that it shows support for our team and is something totally out of the whimsy box i NEVER would have done without pinterest!  makes me smile just looking at it :)

my thanks to amanda from my heart's desire for this neat idea.  love how you blogged about it and showed us craft challenged people with limited inspiration a great idea that you can't find on store shelves ... well not in this country anyway!

and as for the prizes from last week, here's a closer look!  ...

jen's booby prize :)

the real prize pack for michelle aka hey mickey!


  1. Such a cute rugby ball! Now you have to figure out how to make it into a hat to wear to games! ;)

    That is the cutest sheep ever and Atticus and Jem are licking their chops in anticipation! (And I'm secretly glad I didn't win the top prize as all those goodies would do severe damage to my already damaged waistline!)

  2. Such a cute craft! And I love Cadbury! We used to live in England and I would never get tired of it. :)

  3. Not happy with the team you are supporting - shouldn't it be black and gold?????

  4. Wow look at all those goodies!! So many things I havent had for years - cant wait to work my way through the box - yummo!! Thanks once again Kirsty :)

  5. heck no, not that team of misfits ;) ooh jen, you could have matched my waistline :(

  6. I'm afraid I'm not into sport at all so " go the blues" if you say so :0)
    How about a smaller version to hang in your car !.... Or is decorating the car something the sport mad Brits do?
    Jenny x
