Sunday, February 19, 2012

sneak peek number three ... new zealand goodies box give away

oops, totally forgot to put this up yesterday i was so excited about pizza sauce!  so we will have to have two sneak peeks today :)  look for another later today and the final one tomorrow :)  remember all you have to do is leave a comment to go in the draw for a box of new zealand goodies ... prize drawn tomorrow night!


  1. Oooooo! Photography of New Zealand!! ♥

  2. SUCH a beautiful country you live in!!! I dream of visiting, someday...

  3. I just found you on pinterest. Great blog! I visited your country just over a year ago...beautiful! My husband is trying to convince me to move there. :)

  4. I went to NZ in 2001 as a high schooler. Your goody box sounds really fun. I love following your pinterest blog! Thanks for a chance to win!

  5. mmmmm looks like a fabulous book about NZ and packed with photos too I hope :0)
    Jenny x
