Tuesday, March 6, 2012

day 270: rustic rhubarb tarts

day 270 and its kirstys husband steve doing the typing tonight.  kirsty has badly hurt her back and has been laid out flat on the floor for most of today and yesterday.  we are having a family outing to a back specialist tomorrow, but in the meantime its all hands to the pump to keep 365 going!

given the situation, today was about finding something easy to achieve while giving maximum bang for buck!
being a bloke, I suggested food.  because kirsty couldnt sit at the PC to search, i had complete control (subject to kirstys approval of course).

i found this wicked looking rustic rhubarb tart from smittenkitten and knew it would be a winner!  this is pinned to kirstys board recipes for the boys on pinterest (subject to kirstys approval of course).

some of you might look at this and think "what the?...thats not easy, they make the filling and the pastry from scratch".  i totally agree, but it just so happens our neighbours gave us a heap of rhubarb over the weekend.  not only that but we had already cooked it following this recipe.  a quick check in the freezer and i discovered some sheets of sweet short pastry.......all i needed was an oven, and kirsty tells me we have one of those to!!!
two ingredients - but you might be thinking "they should make an omelette instead"
back pain - the ingredients for kirstys supper 
i cut some rustic looking pastry shapes and rustically dolloped the rhubarb in the middle.  then it was a simple task to pinch and fold around to create a pouch of rhubarby rusticness.
started to make four
thought i might want to eat one asap, so made one more

outcome:  im eating one as i type and it is 'o' for orsome (thats a kiwi-ism, not a spelling error).  i made five so i could eat one after the kids went to bed.  we will all have one each tomorrow and i cant wait.  served warm with a bit of yoghurt or icecream, or just eaten cold these are a yummy treat.
kirsty usually thanks people here.  i want to thank our neighbours for the rhubarb, kirsty for buying the pastry, and of course you for tolerating my blogging attempt today while kirsty recovers.  big credit also needs to go to smittenkitchen for the recipe.


  1. Hello Steve, amazing effort with the blog and the baking. I am totally impressed! Message to Kirsty: Get well soon!!

  2. LOL! Brilliant substitute job, Steve! I think you should make regular guest appearances! :)

    Big love and hugs to you, Kirsty, and I hope the doctor can fix you up quickly!

  3. Wow, couldn't see my hubby temping on my blog.... But then he can't make cards anyhow!!! Lol
    Delicious dessert and a well written post too (subject to Kirsty's approval) ...oh and love the overuse of the word rustic....Lol
    Hope you're quite literally back on your feet soon Kirsty.... I think Steve might get to like this blog posting otherwise :0)
    Jenny x

  4. What a good husband you have!! The pie looks lovely - love me some rhubarb.
    Hope you feeling better soon Kirsty.

  5. Thanks for your comments and support. Kirsty has worked really hard during this 365 challenge and is determined to see it through. We couldn't let a debilitating back injury stuff that up now could we?...Steve
