Wednesday, March 7, 2012

day 271: omelette roulade

day 271 and its kirstys husband steve doing the typing again.  kirsty is now comfortable thanks to medication but still not able to sit or walk without pain.  rest assured that everything you see below has been approved by the boss.
i decided to take my own advice from day 270 and make an omelette.  our chooks have ramped up production recently so there is no shortage of eggs.  i didnt want any old omelette though, it had to be a little bit fancy and easy to prepare because it had to feed the family tonight.
I repinned this promising recipe from emanuela jalba to kirstys recipe must do board.  following back to source reveals a blog called chichoskitchen centering around the concept of an internet kitchen......worth checking out.
fresh is best - lettuce, parsley and eggs from our property
the hard bit is next.......flipping
an image designed to depict that something cool is about to happen
pretty cool eh?.....and surprisingly simple
wrapped and ready to go into the fridge
o for orsome
outcome: i chose to rest the omelette on a bed of fresh cooked spinach from our garden.  plating up was complete with a drizzle of olive oil.   taking a step back i admired my creation and wept.  it was at this point i realised i need to urgently (1) bar-be-que some meat (2) skull a beer (3) get my chainsaw and cut down a tree (4) get to my workshop and weld something.
with that done it was time to sit down and eat.  these are an amazing twist on the classic omelette and we all loved them, especially the kids.  i have to admit i had bbq sausages with mine, but they really were quite filling on their own.  thanks to emanuela jalba and chichoskitchen for todays pinterest creation


  1. Steve, you are a crack-up! So sorry that Kirsty is having a tough time . .

  2. Steve, two great looking recipes in two days. Might see you on MyKitchenRules next year!! Kirsty, hope you are taking care of that back and will be back on your feet soon.

  3. Steve, I'm glad yo see you embracing your feminine side with the fancy serving! LOL! These look super yummy but I'm not a cram cheese fan. Any bright ides of what to use instead?

    Missing you, Kirsty!

  4. Oh my goodness, your blog posts are hilarious your attention to detail for plating up :0)
    Glad to hear Kirsty is more comfortable, sending cyber (((hugs))) to you Kirsty x
    Jenny :0)
