Friday, March 9, 2012

day 273: everyday chocolate cake

a big day for us today which included confirmation that kirsty needs an operation for her back.  while this may still be 4-8 weeks away, be assured that kirsty will be back on 365 creations sooner rather than later.
there wasn't a lot of spare time today so i was lucky to find this recipe on kirstys recipe must do pinterest board.
im a sucker for any sort of chocolate cake, and this had "steves supper" written all over it.  check the recipe out on the original site
you should be scared, steves cooking again
who needs a beater when you move like the Flash

the recipe says "sift", clearly i didn't

see that bowl? im going to lick it clean!
im not a big fan of licking the batter, but let me tell you that this has got to be the best tasting batter ever!!!  i was sold on this before it even entered the oven.
out of the looks like it should.....
outcome:  it was the easiest recipe to follow and pretty idiot-proof.....but not completely.  i had the oven set at 375 instead of 325.  also our oven is fan-forced so this was a bit over-cooked after 35 minutes.  despite the stuff-up, the real proof is in the tasting and this did not disappoint.  the only disappointment will be on my kids faces tomorrow when they realise dad didn't leave them any.
a couple of other points to note:
  • those eggs crack me up so expect to see more while i am in charge
  • diabetics beware, the amount of sugar in this could kill you.  remember, "don't be a rooster, first have a booster" (i am a type 1 diabetic so speak from experience)
  • this really is the easiest chocolate cake recipe.  any muppet could do it!


  1. Oh goodness... An operation, that is big news!!!! 4-8 wks seems such a long time...let's hope it's nearer the 4 than the 8 .... Hi Kirsty *waves* :0)
    Those eggs faces are cracking me up too, think they need a blog of there own :0)
    Delicious looking muppet friendly cake... Perhaps get hubby to try it then ...Lol
    Jenny x

  2. Back surgery! Yikes! I'm with Jenny and hope it happens sooner rather than later so you don't have to worry about it for ages. :(

    Steve, the eggs are brilliant. I didn't think you could top them for laughs and then you added the Swedish Chef in there! Love him!

  3. Steve, you are superb in terms on knowing how to support Kirsten at this time !
    She will be so thankful that you took the reins of her creations ..... A Full year is very much in sight now.. :-) You can do it! You can do it!
    Huggies to you all from the Pacific Northwest.
