Thursday, March 8, 2012

day 272: Rhubarb Strussel Cupcakes


day 272 and its steve again.....kirsty is still lying on the floor.  rest assured that i dont just leave her there.  we have regular family outings to the doctors and specialists etc, so definitely working towards getting her mobile again.
by now you are probably seeing certain themes coming through with me at the helm.  i enjoy food, love rhubarb, and am trying to use up the eggs.  todays creation covers off all of the above and comes from Barbara Haks pinterest recipes board.
one egg knows whats coming.....the others think they are better than me!
i showed them stoopid eggs whose boss.....mwa ha ha haaaaaaar
thats all the rhubarb gone.....what am i going to do tomorrow?
thats the way the crumble crumbles
all ready for the oven........can you tell a bloke did this?

outcome: these kept the kids and one of their friends happy at afternoon tea time.  kirsty casually lay on the floor and scoffed one (no picture available.....well there was but only an idiot would dare use it), and i ate several (again no picture, but i can tell you it was not pretty to watch).  these were really tasty especially with the crumble topping.

give them a crack!  if i can do it, you can!

three eggs were harmed in the making of this pinterest creation.


  1. You're doing a stellar job with the baking and making me laugh.... The dog's looking at me in a strange way though wondering what I'm laughing at!!
    I'll definitely have to try these as I've a feeling our rhubarb is going to go mad this year now it's established!
    Good to hear Kirsty is getting to try these recipes.....
    Hope your getting stronger each day Kirsty, more (((hugs)))
    Jenny :0)

  2. Kirsty, I have a feeling that when you're better you're going to have to fight Steve to get your blog back! LOL! Love those feisty eggs. Glad you managed to wrangle them into the muffins, Steve!

    Big hugs to you, Kirsty!

  3. You crack me up more than those eggs!!
