Wednesday, May 2, 2012

day 326: healthy apple butter cake

the apple butter cake ... beautiful 

day 326 and i am amazed at the variations i see on pinterest for cake mixes ... everything from soda to yoghurt to apple ... and that last one is the one i am keen to try today.  can you really make a cake with just a cake mix, purée apple, and water?  today was the day i was ready to find out!  this "recipe" comes from hungry girl and it's one of many she has for healthier versions of cake mixes.  the recipe is also pinned to my weight watchers recipes happy days board on pinterest.

as stated this cake requires only apple purée, a cake mix, and water.  you put everything in a bowl and mix, then pour into your cake tin and whip it into the oven.  i used a ring tin sprayed with rice bran oil for this cake to try something a little different.  it took 2 minutes to make, one of which was used trying to find my scissors ;o]

the ingredients + water


pour and bake ... yes, this was not rocket science ;)

the result ... i can not tell you how good this was, just try it!

outcome: STOP THE PRESSES, OMG, WHOOP WHOOP, and anything else you would care to add to this fantastic cake's checklist ... YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT STRAIGHT OUT OF OVEN, it tastes like apple pie or an apple steamed pudding ... we all keep saying OMG, seriously one of my favourite recipes of my p365 year so far.  steve wouldn't/couldn't stop eating it and over half the cake was gone by the end of the evening.  we had it with lite whipped cream (like a fat free cool whip) and it was divine!  try this cake warm on a cool autumn winters evening and you will be the favourite in your home all night long :)

what steve left of the cake ... although the night is still young ;)

many, many, many thanks to hungry girl for this recipe, i will make this often in the winter months because it only takes 2 minutes to make and is as good as an apple pie any day!


  1. This is totally making my tummy rumble and is getting added to my shopping list!

    We had the potato/spinach/avocado salad last night. Super yummy!!!

  2. Easy and delicious - sounds perfect! Great for unexpected guests -simple is sometimes the best.

  3. I think I would love most cakes warm from the oven with cream or custard :0)
    A cake that tastes of apple pie sounds rather good :0)
    Jenny x
