Thursday, May 3, 2012

day 327: felt flowers

the finished felt peonies ... so pretty :)

day 327 and things are really exciting at our place this week as my mum is going to retire tomorrow, nine months early!  i am so proud of her, she has worked so hard all her life and it is really rewarding seeing her move into a life after work where she can make daily choices according to her whim.  tonight we are going out to dinner with all her workmates and i am taking along some champagne.  as it's a special occasion i wanted to dress the bottles up a bit :)  on my paper crafts board, is pinned a template for making these paper/felt flowers. this is so apt for my mum as she plans to spend a lot of her retirement in the garden.  the template and design comes from yoonie at home and her completed flowers were used to adorn hair clips.  i figured i could glue a flower to each bottle with a little message.

i printed out the free template provided by yoonie at home on paper and then used the cut out  templates to trace out the patterns on felt.  then it was a case of assembling them according to the instructions.

what you need to complete today's project

all the cutting complete, not the fun part, the making!

the finished peony complete with leaves

and then they found their way to the bottles :)

outcome: so cute.  i have kept the templates for the future as these flowers would look gorgeous adorned to all sorts of things including presents, pillows, frames, towels, wreathes, cards, and just about anything else you can dream up!

my thanks to yoonie at home for the brilliant template that is definitely easy to replicate on felt and super easy to put together into flowers :)


  1. These flowers are so fabulous and festive!

    Big congrats to mum on her retirement! I hope you all have a lovely time at dinner and that the future is full of sunny gardening days! :)

  2. They're gorgeous what a thoughtful present to your mum, hope it's a great celebration!

  3. mmm I can see them on cushions and like Jen said very festive too :0)
    Many congrats to our mum, hope she enjoys all that spare time she has now :0)
    Jenny x

  4. Hey Kirsty, love the felt flowers! So cute :-)
    I'm a Kiwi blogger in the UK & LOVE finding other Kiwi's doing the same - looking forward to checking out your next creations!

    Vanessa x

    Pop over & follow me too sometime :-)
