Saturday, May 26, 2012

day 350: crocheted snowflakes

happiness is time spent crocheting!~
day 350 and i am getting ready to put some more winter into my home with the help of attic 24.  i had so much fun making may roses yesterday i wanted to go back to her website and try something else for today.  i pinned these sweet snowflakes last night and thought they were ideal for this time of year to add somewhere around the house to something, anything!

the snowflakes come together in three rounds of crochet so that's good for me as it's not too taxing on my wobbly crochet skills.  i started out with a cotton blend yarn and a size 3 hook to make the first one.

back to my happy place again today ;)

after the first round it looked like this

round two :)

round 3 done and the snowflake just needs stretching for completion :)

the second one is made of wool and made on a size 4 hook.

the two snowflakes made with different hook sizes and yarns :)

outcome:  planning is under way to attach these to the chalk board in the kitchen with a winter saying .. i just have to find one!  i love that by changing yarns and/or hooks you get such different looking snowflakes, that's just so cool!  i am going to spend my evening making a few more, lucy is right they are addictive :)

my thanks, once again, is to lucy of attic 24 for the easy to follow snowflake tutorial ... attic 24 is totally my favourite go-to place for crocheting tutorials and know how!


  1. nice 1, do you mind if I re-post this on my blog with a link back to your site?

  2. Wow, I really like these - well done!

  3. These are so sweet and I can see why you're hooked on Attic 24 - what a fabulous blog!

  4. I'm ashamed to say that we bought some like this to go on our Christmas tree!! they make great decorations :0)
    Jenny x

  5. Hi, I saw you visited my site and clicked through to find your very creative blog! How cool. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. I think I'm going to have to try the snowflake! I presently only know how to crochet potholders!
