Sunday, May 27, 2012

day 351: felties

my three newest friends!

day 351 and i have found the answer to my current felt obsession ... felties.  i saw this book on pinterest while i was browsing all things felt a while ago and ordered it from the local library.  it finally arrived yesterday and now i have materials to get started!

the inspiring book found on pinterest

i thought i would make a couple of them today and work my way through the rest of the book before it's due back at the library in four weeks time.  this lovely lady (pinstrip bindi) made all of them over a long weekend, and they turned out so well so i was inspired to get started with the first one :)  both links are pinned on my sewing diy board.

first up was pensive rabbit, it was then i realised just how small and sweet these cuties are ... still took me an hour to make this little one!

this is when i realised how so very small these lil critters were!

next was sleepy fox, so cute i may have to make something to put him on so i can have him close by always ;)

lastly for today was messenger bear, couldn't find a little sticky for the front of the bag, but it seems to still work without it thanks to the news in the bag :)

outcome:  what can i see they are so adorable!  steve did ask me what i was going to do with these little creatures ... honestly, i have no idea but they were just too cute not to make.  i need to find someone with a baby that needs a few friends of the soft variety, they would look so sweet hanging as part of a mobile ;)

thank you nelly pailloux for creating such an inspiring book! so pleased i found this on pinterest to help fuel my felt obsession!

two weeks today i am having a pinterest party ... ;)


  1. These are so adorable and super professional looking :) !

  2. They are so cute!!! and what a great idea to have 365 pinterest creations! you are brave :-)
    thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment on my poster diy. got me to visit you. i like it here and am following you now with gfc. would be honored if you would like to follow back, but no hard feelings if not :-)
    have a great day!

  3. Beyond adorable! The sleepy fox is my favourite. :) And you're right - they would make a fabulous mobile - think this needs to be an upcoming creation!

  4. my daughter would love this, toot sweet.

  5. A mobile is a great idea...they are such cute little characters.
    Love the little bag can actually hold stuff, ideal for the tooth fairy???
    Jenny x
