Monday, June 4, 2012

day 359: pallet bird decor for spring

the finished rustic bird decor for spring :)
day 359 and we are BUSY getting ready as we run out of days until the party ... yikes, scary!  we have a LOT of pallets around here as some of the crafts that party goers will be able to indulge in use pallets.  i found this pin on pinterest a while ago and as there were lots of pallet offcuts lying around today, it seemed like a good one to go with for day 359's project.  speaking of pallets, i promised you a picture of steve's home built free cape cod chair ... it's cool aye!

a tutorial is coming in early july for how you can make your OWN free cape cod chair

the button birds tutorial comes from angela of button bird designs and as she says this is a great project as it doesn't have to cost anything if you use what you have around.  i really loved the vintage look of her designs and immediately signed up to follow her :)  the tutorial is also pinned to my general crafts board on pinterest.

angela uses a combination of fabrics and papers to make her birds.  for my one i went with a couple of scrap papers i had that needed using from the vast pile of bits i have doing nothing ... ahh, this is such a satisfying project in so many many ways!  once the birdie pieces were cut, they are adhered to the pallet wood with mod podge or similar product.  then once the mod podge is dry, sew up a button and glue it to the bird as its eye ...

what you need, i used a picture from angela's blog as the bird template

templates cut, now mod podge them in place on a piece of rustic wood.

make sure you mod podge the entire front of the wood, then leave to dry

add an eye

done, day 359 is finished :)

outcome:  i love these, i am going to make a whole lot to put up in a collection for springtime.  they are so cool and i absolutely adore their rustic look.  oh, and did i mention how simple and cheap they were ... total bonus, but a great bonus nonetheless!

my heartfelt thanks to angela and her amazing design skills. i spent ages on her blog button bird designs looking at some totally inspiring projects that i am going to try in the coming months.


  1. Love the idea of using paper on the wood and I have to say that Stevens chair is amazing...... He's one clever cookie :0)
    Who gets to it in it though!!!
    Jenny x

  2. What a fabulous way yo use up some patterned paper! Must go find some pallets now...

    And Steve's chair is fantastic! Is there anything the two of you can't do? :)

  3. Hi! I am completely new to blogging and recently started my own Pinterest DIY Blog @
    Your blog is great! I am amazed that you find time to complete a DIY every day as I am the queen of unfinished projects. It's definitely inspiring!
