Tuesday, June 5, 2012

day 360: teds in bed dipper spoons

the cutest hot cocoa dippers, so sweet :)
day 360 and the weather outside is frightful, oh how could winter come and spoil my lazy days sipping coffee and watching the world go by sitting on the deck? sigh.  today i am trialling another craft for the weekend, hot cocoa teddy bear dippers ... i have little people in mind for this one :)  the great minds of jellyfish jelly have come up with this fabulous gifting project.  as such, i pinned this idea to my gift wrapping and gift ideas board on pinterest.

jellyfish jelly actually have all different kinds of things in chocolate beds, i keep looking and wanted to try each one but decided to try the teddies for the spoons today.  i am really keen for these to work as i think the peeps coming on sunday will love to make these.  below is a pictorial illustration of the process.

melt both white chocolate and milk chocolate

fill the well of the teaspoon with white chocolate and lay a teddy on top

you will need to lift the spoons up so your teddies don't slip backwards down the handle .. even a mushroom will do ;)

once the white chocolate is set, put a blanket over the teddy with the milk chocolate

while the milk chocolate is still runny sprinkle on some colour :)

once they are set, they are ready for a dip in some hot cocoa! YUM!

outcome: aren't they just so cute .. it's actually really fun making these as they take on personalities of their own with the different faces and depending how much blanketing you give them.  then i started to play with the sprinkles and could have got totally carried away but i only heated a little bit of chocolate ... i did have enough to make a double bed one though ;)

many thanks to jellyfish jelly, its great ideas like this that have made the last year so enjoyable and out of the ordinary ... i urge you to do the same, it has been one of the happiest years of my life!


  1. Those are too cute!!!
    I a loving that you rested your spoons on a mushroom! LOL

  2. Okay, these are just too adorable for words! I can see that they would be addicting to make and I imagine they're even more addicting to eat!

    Hope all your preparations are going well. Big hugs to you all!

  3. I would to be prepared for this one.


  4. Hey Kirsty! That is the cutest ever!!
    Hugs from Spain

  5. So very cute...I just couldnt eat one though because of that!
    I'd have to use ugly aliens or something... Lol :0)
    Jenny x

  6. This is seriously cute! wow! love it!
