Monday, June 25, 2012

week one: cape cod chair

week one's project will be to make one of these from free pallets ... just as this one was :)
i've picked an easy but a scary first project for year two of turning pinterest creations into my reality ...  so why is the first one easy? well it so happens the inspiration was first pinned to my outdoor boards and it was from a really local creator, my sweet husband.  a few weeks ago he made this cape cod chair out of FREE pallets ... yes, this cape cod chair cost the price of its nails or screws or whatever was used to put it together.  can you guess the scary part?  yeah, i'm not a builder or even handy with a power tool.  i can tell a screw and a nail apart but that's about as far as it goes!

ok, so the project is chosen and i have the week to complete it starting today (monday NZT time) and will have the finished project ready for you to view sunday NZT time.  so over the next couple of days i will show you some progress reports (i hope or the injuries!) and how my first foray into building develops ... i am just hoping my husband will stay patient with me for the entire week of building we do together ... wish me luck!


  1. You're brave! Good luck, I'm sure you'll get it done.

  2. You are going to rock it, I have no doubt! Before long you'll be strolling around in a tool belt fixing anything that looks slightly askew! :)

    So awesome to chat with you guys yesterday. The peeps are adorable and I can't believe we chatted for an hour - it felt like no time at all! Like I was chatting to old friends. :)

  3. Now this is what I would call a challenge..... really hoping for progress over injuries!!!

    Love the vision Jen painted of Kirsty the handyman :0)
    Jenny x

  4. Just wanted to stop by and say Hello. I may not comment on each post, but I am reading them. Stay cool!
