Sunday, July 1, 2012

a crazy week

a crazy, crazy week of learning, catching up with family, saying goodbye to family, and way too many people coming to look at our house ... meant i didn't complete my chair!  sad but true and i got SO stressed about it, i promised steve i wouldn't put any time limits on my pinterest creations for this year ... and this sits surprisingly well with me.  i will still be here, making, baking, and creating but life gets in the way of putting a time frame on these projects, especially as i am testing my personal creating boundaries with the things i have planned to make!  it will still be 52 weeks of meatier projects but not necessarily one finished every week.

i hope you will stick with me as i continue to enjoy all pinterest has to offer in terms of amazing projects to get you teeth stuck into, but this year i need a little more flexibility with regards to time. i hope you will stay tuned and learn along with me as i continue to turn pinterest inspiration into real life projects.


  1. No worries Kirsty, of course we'll stick with you and don't beat yourself up about not getting a project done each week!..... in a way it's good to know you're not a complete superwoman :0) Lol
    Jenny x

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself! I'll still be following no matter how often you complete a project.

  3. Of course we're not going anywhere! There's no point doing it if it's too stressful - it's supposed to be fun!! Deep breaths, relax and enjoy the journey.

    Big love and hugs to you all!

  4. Of course we will stick with you! Especially if you write such interesting posts about why you didn't finish your project. LOVE to hear what happens in other peoples 'real life'.
    hugs to you
