Tuesday, June 12, 2012


this is your top ten for the 365 days according to the most viewed:

pimped out pringles cans

this is something that has made my life SO much easier and far more organised

these are totally awesome, i have to agree .. :)

these were so easy to make and we use them ALL the time

this is one of those things you should just start doing and while we still have a couple of months of filling left to go, this has made me so prepared for any emergency, it's definitely in my top creations too!

this jar changed our life for the better, if you have kids give it a go.  we love it so much it was one of the projects we offered at the pinterest party!

the peeps totally loved doing this and it was a fantastic way to learn how each different subset of how we live fit together

this has been so popular and someone else's favourite too ;)

yes these babies have been popular on pinterest ... of course it had to be a pinterest creation were i took some REALLY bad photos!

and the number one pinterest project that has had twice as many views as any other:  kids travel packs tutorial

these are still going strong over three hundred days later and the peeps still love them when we travel away :)

check back next time for the families top ten, there were some surprises in there for me!


  1. Some treasures there, love those broomsticks, even if they are foggy. Must feel strange not to be going through the days now. Looks like you had a great Pinterest party, congratulations on a year of doing.

  2. I do love a top ten list and some of these I haven't seen.
    I must apologise for not linking to you on the reindeer noses bags..... I thought I had seen them on Pinterest but it was most probably your blog and I just forgot when I posted my version last Christmas :0( Sorry
    I have to say the toothbrush holder is an awesome idea :0)
    Jenny x
