Saturday, August 25, 2012

we've been away ... exploring new zealand in a campervan

is there any better way to spend a winter holiday than campervaning with friends ... somewhere near ohakune
we are lucky.  but it is only we you hire a campervan and go off the main trunk lines that you realise just how lucky you are to live in this awesome country.  in fact, we had such a great time we extended our holiday by two days and carried on searching out fresh snow and incredible beaches :)  here is a quick look at some of the places we took in.

we started with the central plateau and camped by beautiful lakes ....

the peeps thought the scenery was amazing ... almost zen like ;)

spending the days exploring the geothermal areas ....

and the national parks

we then hit the snow covered volcano mt ruapehi for some serious winter fun!

pollyanna's grasp of the sledding was far better ....

than her mother ;)

it was then on to raglan where spring looked like it had arrived and we didn't want to go home so we didn't ....

instead we went up and over to the coromandel ... where it felt like summer couldn't be too far away

the views were amazing

that view above was what we had to endure during lunch ;)

cathedral cove on the coromandel peninsula

we ended the holiday at some thermal hot pools in miranda ... we still didn't want to go home ... but this time we had to :(


  1. Oh my goodness if Hannah sees this post you'll have to do the trip all over again with her... Lol.
    I really really want to be out there with her :0)
    You are soooo lucky to live in such a wonderful country.
    Jenny x

  2. What a fabulous trip! New Zealand is just stunning! I'm with Jenny - I want to be there too! I really would like to hop on a plane to Eng,and, grab Jenny and then head over to you guys. One day... Hope you're all settling in to post vacation life and that all is well. Big hugs to everyone! And Atti sends big sloppy kisses. :)

  3. You are living my dream there. I have always wanted to travel NZ in my own time in a motorvan.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  4. funny you should say that my dear jenny, we may just do that if your daughter isn't too travel weary when she hits auckland :OD

  5. I wondered where you'd got to! NZ is just the BEST, isn't it?

  6. Hi Kirsty - I found your blog via Jutta's blog. I'm also in Auckland. And I'm now a new follower xx Nat

  7. Hey Kirsty,
    I've just had a quick peep at your post, and Mum's comment made me laugh :D Wow, looks like you've had a great time, campervan's are cool. Can't wait to meet you all very soon :) xx
