Tuesday, September 11, 2012

the best parts of pinterest 365 ...

  • was the awesome t-shirts leslie from pinterest sent out to us since completing the 365 days ....  thank you so much leslie :o)
it's so nice to have handwritten mail from such a large company ;o)
  • inviting blog friends to come and stay if they are visiting new zealand and then meeting them in person ;o)  hannah from young and crafty i met through her mum jenny from crafting in the country and she has been staying with us for the last week on a whirlwind holiday of new zealand. 
    we had to get her making her own pizza for the pizza oven, a first for her :)
we managed to get to rotorua and see the sights but winter time isn't ideal for seeing them at their best ... the geothermal areas are still amazing though even if it pouring with rain!
we took in some of our awesome culture

we took a trip up the gondola ....
and we even made it to Hobbiton ;o) ... total highlight for me even though i don't know much about the movies!
  • having the confidence to carry on and make lots of projects you never would have tried otherwise
these pallets and ...

these stencils have been made into a great project ... tutorial later this week, i promise!


  1. Loved looking at your photos Kirsty... Thank you sooooo much for taking Hannah under your roof and showing her some amazing sights. Looking forward to seeing how you changed up the pallet wood, Hannah said I'd have to wait and see :0)
    Jenny x

    P.S the chocolate covered pineapple is yummy :0)

  2. Ahh Kirsty, lovely pics, and I am sooo glad you did Pinterest 365, I got to meet you and your family and your house is now full of cool creative projects.
    I had an amazing time with you :)
    Hannah xxx

  3. Hey kirsty, all the pics are so nice. Pinterest really made me smile sometimes. How easily we all are connected through same interest.

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