Tuesday, October 4, 2011

day 117: halloween silhouette pillows

a pillow for polly's bed made without a
cutting machine and with a free
printable silhouette :)
day 117 and today i thought i would make some halloween pillows for around the house.  i was totally inspired for today's pillows by the FREE halloween silhouettes from kami at no biggie.  they are wonderful and she has three free designs and each design comes in different sizes ... how cool is that, yip it's awesome :)  they are also pinned to my holiday goodness board on pinterest.

i decided i would use some sticky back felt letters to go with the silhouettes. i use a mixture of felt and cotton silhouettes with heat'n'bond to attach to the pillow bases.  the process i used to make these cushions is below in picture form:

iron the heat'n'bond onto the fabric you are using for the
silhouette.  for the one above i used a felt and used a scrap
of material so the iron wasn't directly on the felt.  keep
ironing until the bond has worked. using this method
means you only have to cut the witch out once but does
mean you do waste some felt :)

now the witch is cut out make up a pillow cover

while the pillow is empty, play around with the design :)

then attach the witch with the iron (again i used the scrap
of material to protect the felt from the full force of the iron
heat) and the sticky back letters.

fill the pillow and sew the gap closed, throw on a bed
and then realise it looks so cool you need to make more!
and here are the more ...
these are the ones i made for pollyanna's bed :)

outcome: these are totally addictive ... i don't have a silhouette or cricut but have always loved everyone's creations made with these machines!  to be able to do something like what they give you was really exciting and i loved how well and easily they turned out.  sure there was lots of cutting to do but for the effective it was totally worthwhile and not as time consuming as i thought it would be.  to be honest with you, if i hadn't run out of heat'n'bond i would have made more!

i owe the success of today's creations completely to kami at no biggie for the FREE halloween silhouettes. they are totally awesome and i can't thank her enough for sharing such wonderful silhouettes freely ... check her website out, she has done some amazing things with these silhouettes :)


Jen W. said...

Super cute! Can't believe you cut them out by hand - they look great!

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...


Lolly Jane said...

Such a fun blog! Found you through Eighteen25's link party. Newest follower!

Hope you can pop in our site sometime :)
Happy Halloween!!