Sunday, April 8, 2012

day 302: tarta pascualina

  happy easter to everyone ... hoping your day is a wonderful one :)

a new tradition to this home ... easter pie ... it was a fantastic addition to our easter sunday and it is here to stay :)

day 302 and i am making a tarta pascualina (easter pie) for our easter celebration today.  this is a pie that has a LONG history, dating way back to the 16th century in italy.  nowadays it is a very popular dish in south america.  this recipe is from katie at hispanic kitchen.  it is the symbolic eggs in this dish that make this a well used vegetarian dish at easter time.  the recipe is also pinned to my easter in autumn board on pinterest.

the pie has three key ingredients: cheeses, roasted red peppers, and spinach.  i read that often the spinach is replaced with swiss chard (silverbeet) and as we have a lot of swiss chard growing i went with that instead of the spinach.  apart from this change, i used the recipe as is.  i used some frozen flaky puff pastry for the pie base and top.

the wells with the eggs inserted :)

the pie ... ok, fyi you need to bake this pie for 45 minutes so the eggs are completely hard ;)  honestly though, this pie is so YUM ... better than the mini easter buns, they were good but not as good as this pie ;)

outcome:  the good news is, while many more eggs AND bunnies turned up at our home today they were all infinitely edible so there was no major addition to the egg and bunny numbers occupying this house ... good news!  so is this pie ... SO good, the filling is incredibly tasty and i plan to use it in many different ways in the future because it is so yum.  this pie will be made again and again for easter and the filling will be used throughout the year!

my thanks to katie at hispanic kitchen for this awesome recipe, really versatile and incredibly quick and easy to make for a pie.

this is what would welcome you today if you were here for easter :)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Well I've been totally educated today...I've never heard of this dish at all, looks yummy too!
So are you saying the eggs shouldn't be as runny as yours when cooked? Shame.... I love dippy eggs :0)
Hope you had a great day :0)
Jenny x