my finished pillowcase dress |
day twelve and the home schoolers are learning and so am i ... up at 6am this morning, preparing for the pillowcase dress! this dress was pinned onto my
general crafts board from the very cool
little big girl studio blog. some really sweet tutorials are available on this site and you will no doubt see more of her inspiration here as a try some of the other projects they offer tutorials on for my p365. anyway, with pillowcase in hand, by breakfast i had cut the armholes, sewn in the elastic, and was halfway through pinning my first bias binding onto the armhole.
during morning tea i managed to sew one lot of bias binding on and pin up the other ready for lunchtime. i am not known for my sewing and i have ... ummm ... limited history of bias binding sewing as the first time i used it i made a total mess of it. any who, this dress called for it so i went with it, and, while its not perfect, it is acceptable!
so happy with the finished product! |
outcome: this dress is really easy in that it takes very little sewing, most of it is in a straight line which is good and if you can sew with bias binding, you should fill your daughters wardrobe with these dresses ... if you can't sew with bias binding, practice, practice some more and THEN you will be able to fill your daughters wardrobe with these dresses as they are pretty, look so cute on, and are ideal for summer :) still five months till summer here so there is hope i will conquer the bias binding by then and will be able to fill said wardrobe ... here's hoping ;)
my thanks goes to the lovely l
ittle big girl studio blog for the very simple, straight forward tutorial on pillowcase dresses, yours was, by far, the easiest to understand and once i get over my phobia of the bias stuff i will be making many more as they are cute and affordable, so i graciously thank you very much :)
photo fun challenge day seven: high angle
my peeps doing some work! |
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