Sunday, March 11, 2012

day 275: eggs benedict

day 275, and day 5 with steve.  sunday morning and i woke up feeling like a fancy breakfast.  to be honest i have been thinking about eggs benedict for a couple days now since finding a bag of hollandaise sauce in the cupboard while getting ingredients together for an earlier creation.  todays creation came from izzy brodsky and repinned to kirstys recipe must do pinterest board. 
the originating website wasnt a recipe as such, but lets face it, eggs benedict is pretty simple and all about the hollandaise sauce and snappy execution.
i like to use pinterest ideas as a start point and adapt them a bit to suit taste and ingredient availability.  for this one we didnt have bacon but could use some leftover bbq sausages and ham.  we also didnt have english muffins but did have some fresh bread for thick toast.  yes hollandaise sauce can be made from scratch, but this product was advertised as "restaurant quality" and i will try anything once.
it looks like a ridiculous amount of silverbeet/spinach.....but it does reduce down a lot!
eggs are on so only a few minutes to get everything else ready
while the eggs and silverbeet/spinach were cooking, the sossies and ham were being reheated on the bbq (we use the bbq almost every day all year round).  with everything ready it was time to plate up.  here is where individual taste comes in.....from the top:
  • polly likes a bit of parsley but no hollandaise sauce
  • ben wanted the sauce but does not like parsley
  • kirsty got the ham instead of left over bbq sausage
  • steve got the lot

all plated up and ready to eat
outcome: this was awesome.  who doesn't like having this kind of quality breakfast on a sunday morning?  in NZ you could pay $10-15 for this in a cafe so it is definitely worth the little bit of effort at home.  at risk of sounding like im blowing my own trumpet, the image i took below is the best i have seen for eggs benedict on pinterest.  im looking forward to seeing it plastered all over pinterest in the coming weeks.
cafe quality if you ask me


Jenna said...

That looks AMAZING!!

*such beautiful plating and photography!*

Jenny said...

mmmm your photos make it look extra yummy, you're really making a dent in that egg supply now :0)
Jenny x

PS. Hi to Kirsty :0)

Nadine said...

I don't know if it's your cooking skills or your photography skills or both, but it looks DELICIOUS!

How is poor old Kirsty? Being immobilised would drive me completely mental! Hope she is copnig OK . .

Kirsty, New Zealand said...

kirsty is comfortable so long as she isn't sitting, standing or moving. some of the drugs make her dizzy and of course she can take another drug to stop the dizziness but then that has its own side-effects. after a while you cant keep track of what drugs are actually helping!!
the important thing is that the pain is managed. we are now nagging and prodding the NZ health system to ensure the operation happens as soon as possible......steve

Anonymous said...

That looks so good!

Jen W. said...

That is a pretty awesome photo, Steve. And I'm wishing I'd checked this post yesterday when I'd have had time to make this! Maybe next weekend...

julie said...

Love the eggs!

Carole said...

You are such a star for putting up the link. Thank you very much. Hopefully soon we will have a nice collection of all things eggy!

Carole said...

Last week you very kindly linked an eggy post to my Food on Friday series. This week it is all about asparagus. Would love to see another contribution from you. Food on Friday

Carole said...

Hi Kirsty. I was looking at this nice egg dish you linked in to Food on Friday and realised that I hadn't signed up to follow your blog. I am following it now and hope you will follow Carole's Chatter back. Cheers.